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fury family members

Lossing a love one

When family members die its heart breaking espically if it is your own pet that you had for long time i had my dog for 15 years yes i know that is old for a dog but she had turmor i didn’t have the money to pay for when the turmor was tiny and now its pretty big coupple months ago when i bought her to the pet hospital they say coulndt do nothimng and dont belive what some vetiraans have to say they said my dog Olive olny had 1 month to live that was the being of march before this whole covid-19 started and its October 16 2020 now. The mermoys i have with my dog olive is special because she actually watch me grew up to the adult i am today she had been with me since i was a little kid in elementary school the things that i am gonna missed about her is Christmas time because she loves presents she snoops around the presents and tires to open them beforefore Christmas and she tried to open family mebers presets to when we have their birthday parties here at my house but lossing a pet is like losing your pal or you favorite family member. Olive was such a good dog when my some of my famillly members were born when they were just babys they pulled olives ear and she never bite or snap at them because she was such a sweet girl i always slept with alot after my first dog died when i was in the 7th grade i will miss olive rolling over and snuggling with even through she took the half the bed to bad she never saw who my future sprouse will be the same things goes my great great aunt that wanted to see me get married i know when i do get married to the love of my life all of famlly memebers that died will be there and olive was a very special dog to me here are my favorite pictures of my dog before I lost her on October 16 2020

this dog is her sister Bella that died couple months before October

This picture right above Was my dog's olive last day I bought her to her favorite place the name of it is San Antonio park when I bought her to this park she got so excited that she jump out of my car soon I park the car.

This was her first time in my new car

this is when her turmor got bad and it staled

this is when her turmor got bad and it started bleeding a lot

By these pictures you can tell that my dog Olive was the alpha dog and the mamma do to the other dogs that we have

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